Martin Luther King Day

The third Monday in January is reserved as a holiday to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

For Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a smoothie that embodies unity and diversity would be fitting, symbolizing the harmony of different elements coming together to create something beautiful and nourishing.

It’s January and a little cool outside (cold in some places).  A nice blend of berries will help to chase away the cold and start our thinking of warmer days without coats, mittens, hats, and boots.

It may be difficult to find a few of the ingredients  – being winter.  So, exercise your creative intellect and substitute!

Of course – Coordinating your attire to match a smoothie is always fashionable and well appreciated by all.

Many people think it’s not possible to enjoy Smoothies when trying to lower carbohydrate intake.

Fortunately this is not the case!  Although carbohydrates are found in many foods, they often are found in low concentrations.  A diet comprised of 50 carbohydrate grams a day is considered a low carbohydrate diet!

Try this smoothie recipe to enjoy great flavor and lasting satiety (feeling full).

“Unity” Berry and Peach Smoothie for Martin Luther King Jr. Day


  1. Red Berries(Strawberries and Raspberries) – Representing passion and strength.
  2. White Peaches(or Nectarines) – Symbolizing peace and unity.
  3. Blueberries– For wisdom and respect.
  4. Banana– To add natural sweetness and a creamy texture.
  5. Almond Milk(or any milk of choice) – For a smooth, liquid base.
  6. A touch of Honey or Maple Syrup(optional) – For a hint of sweetness, representing the sweetness of Dr. King’s dream.
  7. Chia Seeds– For a boost of nutrition, symbolizing the seeds of change planted by Dr. King.
  8. A pinch of Cinnamon– Symbolizing warmth and the spice of diversity.
  9. A Blackberry Garnish– Just because they taste really good.


  1. Prepare Fruit:Wash the berries and peaches. Slice the peaches and banana.
  2. Blend Berries and Banana:In a blender, combine the strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and banana.
  3. Add Liquid and Sweetener:Pour in almond milk and add honey or maple syrup, if using.
  4. Blend Until Smooth:Blend until the mixture is smooth.
  5. Add Chia Seeds and Cinnamon:Sprinkle in the chia seeds and a pinch of cinnamon. Blend again briefly.
  6. Serve:Pour the smoothie into glasses. If desired, garnish with a  whole berry or a peach slice.


  • The mix of red, white, and blue in the smoothie reflects unity and diversity, echoing the ideals of Dr. King.
  • The sweet and diverse flavors come together to create a harmonious and nutritious drink, symbolizing the unity of different communities.

This smoothie is not only a delicious tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy but also a reminder of the beauty and strength found in diversity. Enjoy this special smoothie on MLK Day as a way to reflect on unity, peace, and progress.

Nutritional Breakdown:

  1. Calories:Approximately 250-300 calories. Most of these come from the fruits and almond milk.
  2. Carbohydrates:About 50-60 grams. The majority of the carbs are from the natural sugars in the fruits.
  3. Dietary Fiber:Around 10 grams, primarily from the berries, peach, and chia seeds.
  4. Sugars:Approximately 30-35 grams, mainly natural sugars from the fruits. If honey or maple syrup is added, this will increase slightly.
  5. Protein:About 3-5 grams, mostly from almond milk and chia seeds.
  6. Fat:Roughly 3-5 grams, with healthy fats coming from the chia seeds and almond milk.
  7. Vitamins and Minerals:High in Vitamin C (from berries), Vitamin A (from peaches), and potassium (from bananas), along with other micronutrients.

This smoothie is rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. It’s a healthy choice, especially when considering the natural ingredients and their symbolic significance. However, it’s relatively high in natural sugars due to the fruit content, so those monitoring their sugar intake should be mindful of this. The addition of honey or maple syrup can be adjusted or omitted based on dietary preferences.

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